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martes, 12 de abril de 2022

Russel Story

"Russel had abundant patience, which he drew on when working as a personal care attendant. Nick enjoyed drawing, as did his grandfather and great-grandfather."


Hello Russell.

If knowing that there is a history of depression in the family I think it could have been handled differently, talking to him and listening as a parent and supporting him would help a lot to keep from going into extreme depression. With a powerful memory and being a master at back-flipping at trapeze I think about training him to bring out the best in him so he can keep his mind occupied with what he likes and above all support  and be proud of how well he does.


Losing a child is hard and getting over it even harder, so my advice to Russell would be to not follow the family footsteps, which is to fall into depression. We are aware that if Nick had not had any illness, he would not have died, he would continue drawing Japanese anime and they would probably be happy with what they have, but life is full of challenges, we have to learn to overcome them and move on. Having read Russell's sad story, I realized that life is short and can change us from one day to the next. We must take advantage of every moment with our loved ones since at any moment they are gone.